Your financial support is vital to all the ministry that happens at Berry Church. We welcome all forms of giving, and highlight several ways our members choose to support us below. If you have any questions about giving to Berry, please use the contact form.

All members and regular attendees are welcome to view the last annual narrative budget.  Please use the contact form to request a copy of the budget.

financial gifts

Your annual giving commitments help Berry Church plan for ministry in the coming year. To set up a recurring gift, use the Pledge Card button at right and a member will contact you.

You can also make a one-time donation directly by credit card using the Donate button below.

Gifts of Time and Talent

We recognize there are many ways of giving to Berry, including through your prayers, your presence, and your service to our community.

The best way to begin sharing your presence and service is to come and worship with us Sundays. You can also sign up for our e-newsletter, or send an inquiry to church staff through our contact form.