Vital, vintage churches.
Legacy churches.
New place.
New name.
New church.
Yet the same call that we have had from the start.
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
This week we will examine the story of Jesus cleansing the temple. Jesus’ action is about more than simply being angry that people were having a fundraiser. Money changers exchanged Roman coins for temple coins. Temple coins were used to purchase animals. Animals were sacrificed as an offering to God to take the place of sinful people who were told they deserved death. Each of these stages created a barrier from God’s grace.
As we open ourselves to our community, I hope that we can be constantly seeking ways to tear down the walls that divide us. To let people know that they are loved by God more than they can ask or imagine.
As you vote for a new church name, think through a few things. What name characterizes who we want to be, not for the next five years, but the next fifty? What name will be the most accessible to people who have no Christian frame of reference? What name will you be most excited to take your friend by the arm, and invite to worship God without judgement?